Patricia McKenna

Patricia has experience in a range of digital information environments, often partnering with other professionals to advise on many aspects of information services; conduct feasibility studies; and undertake future-oriented initiatives. Patricia works within and across diverse domains of scholarship and practice (interdisciplinarity) and collaborates in team efforts to set up international, national, regional, and local information services, research projects, startups, and other creative undertakings.
McKenna is the founder and President of AmbientEase (Emergent Adaptive Solutions Everywhere) Inc., exploring the rapidly evolving information landscape afforded by new, emerging, and next generation technologies. As such, McKenna is concerned with the implications of new technologies for cities, communities, and learning environments. McKenna engages with educators, learners, business, and local communities around use experience and unexpected possibilities for leveraging and generating new relevancies and vibrancies in 21st century information spaces for learning, living, and working.
Patricia’s work experience, education, and skills combine in unique and nontraditional ways. With a focus on smart cities and learning cities, McKenna has evolved a practice and learning space consisting of workshops, courses, project initiatives, community collaborations, presentations, and works in progress for sharing at conferences and in other physical and digital spaces.
Patricia holds an undergraduate arts degree from the University of New Brunswick, a Masters degree in library science from McGill University and a Doctorate of Professional Studies in information management from Syracuse University, School of Information Studies.
Patricia is:
McKenna is the founder and President of AmbientEase (Emergent Adaptive Solutions Everywhere) Inc., exploring the rapidly evolving information landscape afforded by new, emerging, and next generation technologies. As such, McKenna is concerned with the implications of new technologies for cities, communities, and learning environments. McKenna engages with educators, learners, business, and local communities around use experience and unexpected possibilities for leveraging and generating new relevancies and vibrancies in 21st century information spaces for learning, living, and working.
Patricia’s work experience, education, and skills combine in unique and nontraditional ways. With a focus on smart cities and learning cities, McKenna has evolved a practice and learning space consisting of workshops, courses, project initiatives, community collaborations, presentations, and works in progress for sharing at conferences and in other physical and digital spaces.
Patricia holds an undergraduate arts degree from the University of New Brunswick, a Masters degree in library science from McGill University and a Doctorate of Professional Studies in information management from Syracuse University, School of Information Studies.
Patricia is:
- Offering courses on smart cities and learning cities (group and individual, on demand)
- Conducting an Urban Research Study and invites you to participate in Thinking About The City
- A member of the Canadian Academy of Independent Scholars (CAIS)
- CAIS Grant Recipient, 2017
- A member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Research Insights series, IGI Global (2017-2018)
- A Member and researcher in the Technology & Society global research space
- A member of the Research Data Alliance (RDA)